Consulting Theme GPL Now you’re ready to pack your Consulting GPL Theme with great content that will engage and inspire potential customers. Choose how you want to display your services and case studies, for maximum impact. A choice of templates, including custom pie charts, graphs, and progress bars, gives you a range of dynamic and compelling options for showing your clients what you can do.
Consulting Theme GPL Features
Consulting Theme GPL Latest Changelogs
Consulting Theme v6.6.6
New: Houston Demo for Elementor page builder.
Fixed: Minor visual bugs in spelling issues in the Manchester demo.
Consulting GPL Theme v6.3.1
Update: STM Configurations plugin is updated to v3.6.3
Consulting GPL Theme v6.3.0
New: Kuala Lumpur Demo​
Update: Consulting Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to 1.1.5
Update: STM Configurations plugin is updated to 3.6.2
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to 5.9.2
New: Footer Menu widget for Elementor Header Footer Builder
New: Style 11 for the Services element (Elementor)
New: Style 9 for the Testimonials Carousel element (Elementor)
New: Style 8 for the Posts element (Elementor)
New: Style Social Media Card for grid view on Staff List element (Elementor)
New: Pagination setting on Services Widget Style 8 (Elementor)
Consulting GPL Theme v6.2.9
New: ‘Remove default block size option’ in Testimonials widget (allows to place the widget in one column on the page)
Update: Consulting Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to 1.1.4
Update: STM Configurations (STM Post Type) is updated to 3.6.1
Update: The slider Revolution plugin is updated to 6.5.19​
Update: WP Bakery Page Builder plugin is updated to 6.9.0​
Update: Added new icons for Custom Elementor Widgets
Fix: Deprecated Elementor methods in Custom Consulting Elementor Widgets
Fix: Â Appearance styles of eRoom Pro (Zoom Conferencing) plugin display incorrectly
Fix:  ‘Hide Pagination’ option is not working  for the Services widget on the WPBakery page builder
Fix: Staff on Our Team List page does not come with a demo import
Fix: Incorrect displaying the following widgets on pages: Stocks Table, Stocks Carousel, Stocks Market Indexes
Consulting GPL Theme v6.2.8
New: Added new Style 10 for Info Boxes
Update: Consulting Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to 1.1.3
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to 5.9.1
Update: The slider Revolution plugin is updated to 6.5.16​
Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce plugin 6.2.1
Fix: SVG Icon add a module for reading More button in Elementor’s Info Box widget
Fix: Default style in ‘Our Team List’ page (About Us section) displays with an error right after demo import
Fix: Upper header zone is not clickable on the ‘Mumbai’ demo layout
Fix: Different specified multiple locations with one country shows only one. Bug in ‘Gmap style 2’ widget in Elementor
Fix: With disposed several addresses of, the map shows only the last one. Bug in ‘Gmap style 2′ widget in WPBakery page builder
Fix: Visual bug with Range custom element on Cost Calculator
Fix: Bug with the color of the icon on the Info Box in the Madrid demo layout
Fix: Bug with Address tabs’ width in Berlin demo layout
Fix: Bug with tabs’ width in Shop -> My account page
Fix: The newsletter form (Email field) is absent in the Osaka demo layout
Consulting GPL Theme v6.2.7
Fix Demo import failure, which causes unable to successfully get the pre-built layout data. Redirection to the BookIt admin page during the demo import process.
Consulting Theme GPL v6.2.6
New: Atlanta – Business Demo Layout on Elementor Page Builder
New: Added new element – Newsletter: email subscription form. You will need to have MC4WP: MailChimp plugin for working it
Update: Compatibility with WordPress 5.9
Update: STM Configurations plugin is updated to 3.6.0
Update: Consulting Elementor Widgets plugin is updated to 1.1.2
Update: STM Importer plugin is updated to 5.9.0
Update: The slider Revolution plugin is updated to 6.5.15​
Fix: Hide More button does not work In Services with Style 8
Fix: Font issues on Single Meeting and Webinar Page
Fix: Bug with default theme header styles after importing the demo content
Fix: The title text is minimized in the default Gutenberg WordPress editor plugin
Consulting Theme v6.2.5
Update: STM Configurations plugin is updated to 3.5.9
Update: Compatibility with Breadcrumbs NavXT plugin 7.0.2
Update: Compatibility with BookIt plugin 2.2.7
Update: Compatibility with Cost Calculator Builder plugin 2.2.8
Update: Compatibility with eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar plugin 1.3.1
Update: Compatibility with Contact Form 7 plugin v5.5.3
Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce plugin 6.0.0
Update: Compatibility with Elementor plugin 3.5.3
Update: Compatibility with Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin 1.6.7
Update: Compatibility with Smash Balloon Instagram Feed plugin 2.9.9
Update: The slider Revolution plugin updated to 6.5.14​
Update: WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated to 6.8.0​
Fix: Sticky Header twitches when scrolling down
Fix: Sticky Header cuts off the part of the header while scrolling down
Fix: Demo layouts with Pearl Header Builder are not fully compatible when changing to the Default Theme Header Styles
Fix: A minor visual bug with Default Theme Header Styles was fixed
Fix: Empty carousel images after importing the About Us page through Template Library in Elementor
Fix: When deleting the top bar contact information block (name, email, working hours, phone number) in theme options, the change is not visually occuring. Bug was fixed
Fix: Post in Testimonials section duplicates
Fix: The dropdown arrow missed on the mobile menu
Consulting Theme GPL v6.2.4
Update: STM Configurations plugin updated to 3.5.8
Update: Compatibility with Elementor Page Builder  3.4.8
Update: Compatibility with WooCommerce plugin 5.9.0
Update: Compatibility with eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar plugin 1.3.0
Update: Compatibility with Contact Form 5.5.3
Fix: The bug with the missing notifications about available Consulting theme core plugins’ updates has been fixed
Consulting Theme GPL v6.2.3
UPD: Updated About page layouts in Manchester demo
FIXED: Staff grid thumbnails styles conflict
FIXED: Staff grid adaptive issues
FIXED: Adaptive issues in Call To Action module
FIXED: Adaptive issues in the Stats Counter module
FIXED: Bold effect in Elementor Text Editor in Marseille demo
FIXED: Page Header alignment in Toronto demo
FIXED: About Us block appearance in the Elementor version of the Homepage in the Geneva demo
FIXED: Broken fonts in Rate Us notice in Admin Dashboard
FIXED: Minor fixes in the Manchester demo
UPD: STM Importer updated to 5.8.9
UPD: eRoom – Zoom Meetings & Webinar to 1.2.9.
UPD: Cost Calculator Builder to 2.2.5
UPD: Booking Calendar | Appointment Booking | BookIt to 2.2.6
UPD: Compatibility with Elementor 3.4.6
UPD: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.8.0
Using Consulting Theme GPL, you can quickly create a modern website for any service-providing business with real content. Easily edit the existing content and compose the page layout with a drag & drop page builder (Elementor or WP Bakery).
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