The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
A common issue that can occur when installing a WordPress themes is “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” error message being displayed when uploading or activating the theme.
One of the reasons you may receive this error is that you have uploaded the incorrect file.
- All files and documentation (full zip folder). You will need to extract and locate the installable WordPress file. (below)
Upload the Installable WordPress file admin area
- Log in to your WordPress admin area.
- Browse to Appearance Themes.
- Click on ‘Add New’.
- Click ‘Upload’.
- Browse and select the theme zip file to ‘Upload’.
Upload Via FTP
- WordPress files can also be uploaded manually via FTP.
- Upload the files to /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.
- Login to your WordPress admin area to change the theme.
- Check out the guide on here.
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Enfold Theme GPL v7.1 comes with plenty of new options to create modern websites with advanced element positioning, animation, and movement features. We also decided that it’s time to create new demos again so we can show you most of these amazing features in our new Parallax Demo. In addition to the new demo and those awesome parallax effects we added a lot of new fancy animations like the “curtain reveal” effect that you can also see in the demo, zooming effects for a slideshow, 3D transform options like scale, skew, and rotate for images and a lot of other features that keep your website fresh and dynamic.
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